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S2M-EQUIPMENT SARL (société commerciale à responsabilité limitée) au capital de 250 000.00 € – RCS de Tours 818 764 078 – 3 rue Gustave Eiffel – ZI des Ormeaux – 37270 Montlouis sur Loire – FRANCE – Tél : +33 (2) 47 45 03 25 – Email: – Web:

Responsible of publication: Maëva VOISIN –

Website’s development and hosting
Our website’s update is ensured by S2M-EQUIPMENT. The site is hosted on the the company’s servers: OVH – Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Intellectual property
All contents on this site are covered by copyrights. Private use only. Any recovery is therefore subject to the author’s agreement under article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Presentation and content of this current information website both constitute a work protected by the laws in force in France regarding intellectual property.

Reproduction or representation of this site in part or in whole, on whichever medium, will not be possible without the prior written consent of the publication manager.

However, you can download or print pages and/or parts of this website for strictly personal use, provided that you do not modify the notices relating to copyrights and intellectual property rights. You may not reproduce pages, download information present on the site or use the S2M-EQUIPMENT site for commercial purposes.

Website management & content

S2M-EQUIPMENT ensures, as much as possible, the regular updating of the information indicated on this website, however S2M-EQUIPMENT cannot be held responsible in the event of error and/or omission. These informations are only indicative and not contractual.

All informations on the site can be modified at any time and whatever their nature. With regard to the legal notices and informations relating to the protection of personal data, it is up to the user to refer to them regularly in order to be aware of them.

For its up-keeping, the site may be interrupted for maintenance purposes. To the extent possible, S2M-EQUIPMENT will take the necessary steps to ensure that these interruptions are as short as possible.

Processing of personal data & privacy policy

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (BOC, p. 4161; BOEM 160* and 722) relating to data processing, files and freedom rights, collection, recording and retention of any information is made on this website as part of the declaration of automated processing of personal information through the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL). The right of access and rectification detailed in article 34 and following articles of the aforementioned law is exercised by sending an email to the webmaster Declaration to the CNIL N°1061739.

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), S2M-EQUIPMENT has defined the below mentionned privacy policy. The latter only concerns data collected via this website.

Collection of personal data via the contact form is carried out in order to allow the transmission of additional or personalized information through programs or commercial offers from S2M-EQUIPMENT. This information is for the exclusive use of S2M-EQUIPMENT. S2M-EQUIPMENT otherwise commits to only collect the information strictly needed for the treatment of your request and to respect the corresponding legal retention period.

You have a right to access, correct and withdraw your personal data. Therefore, we encourage you to get in touch with our DPO, contact information detailed below ,for any request of update, correction, additional information, withdrawal, etc. of your personal data.

Your request will only be taken into account if it is accompanied by a copy of your valid identity document (identity card, passport or driving licence).

You also have the right to file a claim with the CNIL –

Data Protection Officer (DPD) :

Maëva VOISIN –


S2M-EQUIPMENT/ Madame Maëva VOISIN – 3 Rue Gustave Eiffel – 37270 Montlouis sur Loire – France

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